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PUNZZLES Are Word Puzzles With A TwistFS Enterprises introduces PUNZZLES for those who love word puzzles. PUNZZLES are configurations of letters, numbers, words, lines and symbols that translate into familiar words, phrases or expressions. They can also represent movies, TV shows, names, book or song titles and sporting events, among other things. In short, PUNZZLES will stretch your brain for hours of fun, enjoyable puzzle solving!
PUNZZLES Offer Hours of Challenging Fun!You must translate configurations of letters, lines and symbols into familiar phrases. Sometimes certain "rules" must be applied to determine the solution. For instance:
1) WEAR 2) ---- KLAT LONG These translate into 1) Long Underwear and 2) Back Talk (spelled backwards, get it?). Pretty simple, eh? But be careful because just when you think you've got the hang of it the rules can change. Also, sometimes possessive pronouns such as my, your, his, etc., are assumed as part of the answer, for instance:
3) NOT 4) ---- MDOLTEIIOFN LIFE These translate into 3) Not On Your Life and 4) Backfield in Motion (Field spelled backwards, in the word Motion). Each PUNZZLE always gives enough information to figure out the answer without the missing pronouns. Some PUNZZLES are located in and around boxes such as the one below:
5) +----------------------------+ | | | | |Y | |N | |N | |U | |S | | | | | +----------------------------+ The words, letters, etc., that make up these almost always have to do with location. The answer to this one is 5) Sunny Side Up. This is derived from Sunny spelled upward, on the side of the box. The answers to this type usually include the words In, Out, Up, Down, Side and so on. They are usually positional words.
Try Some PUNZZLES On Your OwnHere are a few to test your mettle against, with the answers shown at the bottom of this page. The books are much more nicely formatted than what the Web allows us to show here.
1) SMOKE 2) + DEEF 3) WEATHER 4) SSSSSSSSSS MATCH SMOKE ------- SMOKE a SMOKE SMOKE 5) _NCLE SAM 6) +--------------------+ 7) +--------------------+ | | | S S | | | | T T | |N N| | A A | |E E| | I I | |E E| | R R | |D D| | S S | | | | | | | | ME NT | | | | | +--------------------+ +--------------------+ 8) +--------------------+ | | | | | | | jack | | ---- | | HER | | | | | +--------------------+ 9) FRIENDJUSTFRIEND 10) -->1. ABCDEFGHIJK MNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 2. ABCDEFGHIJK MNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
Order PUNZZLES Today For Yourself or As A Gift!PUNZZLES books make excellent holiday gifts or party pastimes! Priced at only $3.95 each (US funds) with a Buy 5, Get 1 Free discount.PUNZZLES Are Available In 10 Individual Books:
You May Call 1-800-553-4305 To Order With Visa, MC, AmexIf you feel more comfortable calling in your order, you may do so 24 hours, 7 days a week. With our low prices, the PUNZZLES booklets are both affordable and an incredible value!
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