Puzzle Depot

 Contest Arena


Puzzle Examples

The main types of puzzles are shown below, but actual puzzles will vary in size and shape. The variations are what make them fun and exciting! All puzzles must be completed from an official word list (example shown after puzzles).

Crossword Building

Fill in the diagram with 20 DIFFERENT words from the Official Word List. Words must read horizontally from left to right and vertically from top to bottom. Count the number of different letters in each column. Multiply this number by 10 and place that amount in the box at the bottom of each column. Please study the example puzzle. Score lines 1 through 9 by adding the letter scores. Score line 10 by adding the bonus points. Add the line scores to arrive at the total score. HIGH SCORE WINS. Ties will be broken by the highest score beginning on line 1 and then each line successively until the tie is broken. If ties still exist, prizes will be divided among those tied.

Number Grid Traversal

Circle any number in the diagram and from that number draw a continuous line through the boxes in any direction including diagonally without crossing your line at any point. Perform the math operation specified for each box that you enter. Disregard the minus sign in your starting number. Do not pass through the same box more than once. Do not draw your line along borders in order to skip boxes. Your object is to obtain the highest score. In the event of ties, prizes will be divided among those tied.

High Score Word Selection From Official Word List

Fill in the diagram with 20 DIFFERENT 4-letter words from the Official Word List. Place two 4-letter words on each line reading from left to right. The four sets of circled squares must also contain valid 4-letter words reading down diagonally. Letters in the circled squares score double the letter value. Score each line by adding the letter scores. Add the line scores to arrive at the total score. High score wins! Ties will be broken by the highest score beginning on line 1 and then each line successively until the tie is broken. If ties still exist, prizes will be divided among those tied.

Example Official Word List

All puzzles must be completed from the official word list for each newsletter. The point scores of each letter as well as each word is provided as shown in the example list below.
FILM =79  FORT =71  GRIN =73  LIFO =73  MOLT =70  PING =74  SHIN =71  SMOG =74
FILS =75  FROG =80  GRIP =72  LIFT =74  MORN =70  PITH =69  SHIP =70  SOFT =70
FIRM =75  FROM =76  GRIT =69  LIMN =73  MOTH =72  POSH =71  SHOP =71  SOLN =70
FISH =77  GIFT =77  GROT =70  LIMP =72  MSGR =77  PRIG =72  SHPT =72  SONG =73
FLIP =77  GILT =73  HILT =72  LING =77  MSGT =75  PROF =74  SHTG =78  SOPH =71
FLIT =74  GIRL =75  HINT =70  LOFT =75  NIGH =79  PROM =69  SIGH =76  TGIF =77
FLOP =78  GLOP =77  HORN =73  LONG =78  NORM =70  RIFT =70  SIGN =72  THIN =70
FOIL =73  GORP =73  HOSP =71  LORN =71  ORIG =68  RING =73  SING =72  TOGS =69
FONT =73  GOTH =76  INFL =78  LOTH =73  PHIL =75  ROMP =69  SLIM =70  TONG =72
FORM =76  GRIM =74  INFO =71  MILT =69  PHON =74  SHIM =72  SLOG =75  TRIG =69

F=25  G=24  H=23  I=13  L=21  M=20  N=19  O=14  P=18  R=17  S=16  T=15

General Rules of Most Skill Contests

  1. No duplicate entries. Only one prize can be awarded to a household for each puzzle.
  2. Reentries are permitted for an extra fee.
  3. Machine copies are acceptable.
  4. Handmade entries are acceptable if each puzzle is written on a separate sheet.
  5. Solutions created in part or whole by collusion or submitted via fictitious identities will be disqualified and entrants will be removed from the mailing list.
  6. Illegible entries or numerical errors may disqualify entry.
  7. Entries must be postmarked by the final deadline date and must be received within seven days after the postmark deadline date.
  8. Sponsor is not responsible for lost or delayed mail.
  9. Contests are open to all United States residents 18 years or older except employees or suppliers of Sponsor and their families, or
  10. Enclose SASE (self-addressed stamped #10 envelope) if you wish to receive a copy of the results three weeks earlier, when prize checks are issued.
  11. Ties will be broken by the highest score beginning on line 1 and then each line successively until the tie is broken unless otherwise indicated in the puzzle rules. If ties still exist, prizes will be divided among those tied.

See Our Contest Report

We have a report available about the various word puzzle contests being held for CASH prizes. Total monthly prize total exceeds $10,000! Learn how to start winning nice prizes.

Select this link to see the details.

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